Almost everyday I sit across from someone who is struggling with some aspect of life that seems unsurpassable. True it is seldom someone wants to spend money to come tell me how wonderful their life is. I am sure there is a diagnosis for that, but that’s for another day. There are two primary issues that most people come to see me about. Those two issues would be depression and anxiety.
There may be all sorts of extra stuff going on around these two things, but when we break them down into their parts, I'd say these are a couple of the broken pillars that hold us back from what we are capable of. The trend, when it comes to depression at least, is for someone to come into my office and dance around discussing the symptoms of depression in hopes that I won’t say the dreaded words, “You need meds.” Next comes the disclaimer that I am not a psychiatrist, can’t prescribe medication, but that we can discuss the pros and cons of medicating depression.
Are Meds a Bad Idea?
Self-disclosure: I am someone who has struggled with depression a good part of my life and have been medicated most of that. I have no issue with telling people this primarily because it does give me some perspective on the topic. My experience with medication and yours may be completely different. Everyone’s brain chemistry is different. I can speak about some generalities though. There is a high likelihood to be some sort of side effect. This could range from sedation to anxiety, stomachache, headache, feeling “flat”. Most of us have heard the possible side effect portion of the commercials that talks like a woodpecker on crack. It’s no wonder that people are scared to take anything. There are others that have taken medication and it didn’t work or work the way it should have.
What Does the Research Say?
So, should you or shouldn’t you take medication for depression? Research has shown that the best results for alleviating symptoms of depression is a combination of therapy and medication. This does not mean that you can’t get better without one or the other. This just means that you have the best chance with both. I have always advised that if you are hesitant to try medication, unless in cases of psychosis or suicidal ideation, give counseling a try first. Also get a physical to rule out other health related issues that can cause fluctuations in mood such as thyroid or hormones. If after a few weeks’ things aren’t where you want them to be.
Ultimately, It is Your Call.
Ask your counselor if there is someone they recommend for an evaluation. This does not mean you have to take medication. This means you go and talk to someone about the possibility. Be open, be honest about your concerns. Have the realization that the first thing you try may not work and that it may take time. You are worth the time and effort.
At Mind Works Counseling Services in Lubbock Texas, we are equipped to answer your questions and help you get to where you want to be. We are also willing to help you find a physician if you would like to further discuss the possibility of adding medication to your wellness routine. You deserve to be well, and we are here to assist.
Learn more about the Depression Therapy Services we offer.
Contact us to schedule an appointment or to let us answer any questions you may have.